Thank you for providing your code – the pithy/focused logic helped me to home in on the problem in my code.
I failed to update the CKShare's metadata after uploading it to the CloudKit server. The returned share (or the share flushed locally) does not hold onto the metadata assigned to the share prior to submission to CloudKit servers.
The metadata has to be reassigned after retrieval of the freshly saved share and prior to the execution of the NSItemProvider's preparationHandler.
Updating the code...
let itemProvider = createItemProvider(for: share) {
try await self.saveNewShare(share, rootRecord: rootRecord, container: AVSCloud.container())
let itemProvider = createItemProvider(for: share) {
let savedShare = try await self.saveNewShare(share, rootRecord: rootRecord, container: AVSCloud.container())
savedShare.updateMetadata(note: note)
return savedShare
Thank you.
I'm experiencing the same issue. In my case, there is no WindowGroup nor List, but we do have the NavigationStack deployed within fullScreenCover and the views subject to focus are within a ScrollView and ScrollViewReader.
I'm experiencing the same issue. No code changes, requests started failing with "invalidAuthorization" errors.
Same issue here.
Problem solved.
The issue lies in the "Deploy Schema to Production" dialogue. Despite presenting Subscription Types as being marked for deletion, the Subscription Types were not deleted from the Production environment.
I did deploy the schema to production and I did confirm that the Subscription Types remained active in the Production environment.
Another thought that solved this exact issue for me: prepare the images in the placeholder, getSnapshot, and getTimeline functions when there are more resources available, setting the actual display process free from such operations.
I ran into this same issue and solved it – @iceleaf is correct. To elaborate...
Manually create a bridging header file in the widget target. Go into the the target settings for the widget, select build settings, and under "Swift Compiler - General" make sure that "Objective-C Bridging Header" has the correct path (ie, "<widget-target-name>/<project-name>-Bridging-Header.h").
Navigate to the bridging header file and add #import "ConfigurationIntent.h"
Everything should once again compile.