




Reply to cannot find type 'ConfigurationIntent' in scope
I ran into this same issue and solved it – @iceleaf is correct. To elaborate... Manually create a bridging header file in the widget target. Go into the the target settings for the widget, select build settings, and under "Swift Compiler - General" make sure that "Objective-C Bridging Header" has the correct path (ie, "<widget-target-name>/<project-name>-Bridging-Header.h"). Navigate to the bridging header file and add #import "ConfigurationIntent.h" Everything should once again compile.
Sep ’20
Reply to CloudKit Notifications With Mac Catalyst
Additional info:CloudKit Dashboard logs suggest that "zone changes" operations are generally not even being processed for the Mac devices, or they're processed very late. Ie, the issue lies not with the Mac receiving notifications, but instead with CloudKit sending the notifications in the first place.Every time the Mac app receives the remote notification indicating the iCloud changes, the CloudKit dashboard logs show the "zone changes" operation is taking place. However, when a change on a device does not get reflected in the Mac app, indeed there is no "zone changes" operation for the Mac in the CloudKit dashboard logs.
Oct ’19