hello @eskimo
I have the same error on a large project (swift, obJC, C++) when launched on MacOS 11 (Big Sur).
It used to work fine, probably because I was using specific flags : -Wl -ld_classic, to target Big Sur.
But these compilation options no longer work for me with Xcode 15.1 as I get another error this time
ld: unknown option: -no_warn_duplicate_libraries
It looks like the -no_warn_duplicate_libraries option is passed to the ld_classic linker and not understood by it...but I cannot control how this flag is being passed.
The only way I get rid of the error is to remove the -Wl -ld_classic options from the Xcode project.
When launched on BigSur, the app crashes with the
dyld: Symbol not found: __ZTTNSt3__114basic_ofstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE
error. I can run
% c++filt __ZTTNSt3__114basic_ofstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE
on that system and I get the expected result
VTT for std::__1::basic_ofstream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>>
but it does not find the symbol when I run the app
Any idea how to solve this ?
hi, you can look at USearch. It does the similarity search on vectors...and the index can be saved and loaded. Does not support GPU but is fast to integrate in Swift (package).
Thanks a lot for the quick answer and for the document.
The last option is my preferred one, as you'd imagine. However I am a bit confused by the result. I created a dummy test and printed out the Bundle.main.executablePath only to find out that it was /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Agents/xctest. Isn't that the expected outcome? I had added xctest to the Full Disk Access list in System Preferences already but I am still not able to access those files. Am I missing something from your instructions ?
did you get an answer to your question? We are currently facing a similar issue on Monterey (v12.0.1) (was working fine on Big Sur).
The models we are using were generated in CreateML.