




iOS api for enable disable focus mode programmatically
We read there is a focus mode introduced on iOS 15 The client ask us to enable this focus mode when we enter on a specific screen and disable this focus mode when we exit this screen, We want enable this focus mode to be not Disturbed by notification (No notification showing on the screen) enable/disable this mode programmatically Is this possible with this new feature ? Any help will be appreciate
Oct ’21
adding certificate error
When i try to add identifier i'm getting error : An attribute in the provided entity has invalid value An App ID with Identifier 'com....' is not available. Please enter a different string. i need to publish application with this id, xcode already created profile automatically from this id, for my account, how can i delete this profile so i can i create it again on provising profile here : so i can create app on appstore Any help would be appreciad
Feb ’22
Local Push Connectivity run example
I'm trying to test local push notification from Receiving Voice and Text Communications on a Local Network example, i already done all steps : installed the App Push Provider entitlement, create the two id app certificat imported them ... i have the local server launched i can see the following log 2023-05-02 00:31:49.141283+0200 SimplePushServer[51369:1371374] [Debug] Channel Control: Listening on port 5060 2023-05-02 00:31:49.163541+0200 SimplePushServer[51369:1371374] [Debug] Channel Notification: Listening on port 3000 SimplePushServer started. See Console for logs. i run the SimplePush on a device, i entered the wifi ssid and the simple push server adress with the good port but the active is always no on the screen config how can i test the local push notification ? can i send a text for example to the server and the application will get it ? thank you for your help
May ’23
Does iOS 16 support Local Push Notifications over ethernet?
By specifying the SSIDs for which wifi networks that the NEAppPushProvider will start. Ok But on out case of use, we don't have any SSID, the device will be linked over a ethernet cable, does ios 16 support local push notification over Ethernet ? thank you for your response I already saw this post but it's 2 years old
May ’23
fileImporter or fileExporter open external usb by default
I have a button import file when i click on it i launch this function .fileImporter( isPresented: $isImporting, allowedContentTypes: [.data], allowsMultipleSelection: false ) { result in do { guard let selectedFile: URL = try result.get().first else { return } .... Everything works fine when i click on import button the system open a folder by default called Payload, but i want to open the external storage by default is there a way to tell if there is an external storage open this folder by default if it does not exist let apple decide ? Thank you for your responses
May ’23
Local push notification how get the payload
I implement the local push notification iOS from this example : Everything works fine NEAppPushProvider intercept the message sended by the SimplePushServer but i want to develop my own server to push local notification what is the payload i must call to send notification to the ios application ? Any help will be appreciated
Jun ’23
Swift multicast multiple connection to the same port
I have two applications installed on the same device and they trying to connect to a multicast group the first application has a succeed connection the second one has error : listener failed with error Group entered state failed(POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 48): Address already in use) I thought that allowLocalEndpointReuse allows several clients to connect to the same port but it doesn't work. let port = NWEndpoint.Port(portUdp) ?? NWEndpoint.Port(5353) let host = NWEndpoint.Host(urlUdp) guard let multicast = try? NWMulticastGroup(for: [ .hostPort(host: host, port: port) ]) else { stateMultiCast = "Error with url and port" return } let parameters = NWParameters.udp parameters.allowLocalEndpointReuse = true parameters.allowLocalEndpointReuse let group = NWConnectionGroup(with: multicast, using: parameters) group.setReceiveHandler(maximumMessageSize: 16384, rejectOversizedMessages: true) { (message, content, isComplete) in .... } group.stateUpdateHandler = { (newState) in print("Group entered state \(String(describing: newState))") } group.start(queue: .main) How can i use the same port for several application so this application can receive all the same message sent by udp server ? Thank you for your help
Jun ’23
Extended diplay ipad and second screen change the appearance of the pointer
I have an ipad connected to a second screen with a mouse, i need to set appearance of the pointer programmatically with swift, what i try to achieve is for the device i need to set appearance 1 for the pointer for the screen 2 i need to set appearance 2 i can't find an api to do that, but may be private APIs or frameworks available that could potentially provide access to such functionality ? the application won't be published on appstore it's for restricted usage Any idea please ?
Jun ’23