If I may venture a guess, I would think that this is connected to the change in the interface exposed by the 'FileDocument' protocol that has been introduced with Beta 5. It is deprecating 'init(fileWrapper: FileWrapper, contentType: UTType) throws' and 'write(to fileWrapper: inout FileWrapper, contentType: UTType) throws' and introducing 'init(configuration: Self.ReadConfiguration) throws' and 'func fileWrapper(configuration: Self.WriteConfiguration) throws -> FileWrapper' instead.
I have got the same problem...(did still work in Beta 2)
Update: I have created a new App Store Connect record with a new bundle identifier. Then, I have created a new macOS project and I can upload that just fine. I just cannot upload a new version for my existing app. (I have tried bumping build and marketing version number of the existing app, but to no avail.)