




How to read a CMVideoDimensions structure with Objective C code?
I am new to Objective C and relatively new to iOS development. I have an AVCaptureDevice object at hand and would like to print the maximum supported photo dimensions as provided by activeFormat.supportedMaxPhotoDimensions, using Objective C. I tried the following: for (NSValue *obj in device.activeFormat.supportedMaxPhotoDimensions) { CMVideoDimensions *vd = (__bridge CMVideoDimensions *)obj; NSString *s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"res=%d:%d", vd->width, vd->height]; //print that string } If I run this code, I get: res=314830880:24994 This is way too high, and there is obviously something I am doing wrong, but I don't know what it could be. According to the information I see on the developer forum, I should get something closer to 4000:3000. I can successfully read device.activeFormat.videoFieldOfView and other fields, so I believe my code is sound overall.
Feb ’24
EXIF field FocalLengthIn35mmFilm has meaningless value
Using an iPhone 8 and iOS 16.7.5, when taking a picture, the EXIF data I'm getting does not seem to make sense. I am getting: FocalLength: 399/100 FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 177 The FocalLength EXIF field is correct since iPhone 8's back lens does have a focal length of 3.99mm. The FocalLengthIn35mmFilm value, however, is wrong. The actual value is (obviously) much less, probably between 23 and 27mm (ish). Could this be a bug, or may FocalLengthIn35mmFilm is expressed in a unit which I am not aware of? Thanks for your help.
Feb ’24
Using two Apple IDs (pro/personal) on the same iPhone device from a developer's perspective
I hope this question has not been asked too much before. I currently have two Apple ID accounts: one account for personal purposes, that has my family bound to it. I use it for parental controls for my daughter's iPhone one account for development purposes (iOS development). I have only one single iPhone device. From this iPhone, it is critical that I log in as the developer account to be able to use internal app testing (external app testing needs to go through Apple validation, which I don't want since I'm using internal testing to quickly verify that the app runs without glitches before deployment). However, I would like to use parental controls on this iPhone too, which are unfortunately linked to the other account. Setting parental controls on a web site would work but as far as I know Apple does not provide such a web site (only Mac or iOS terminals can manipulate parental controls). Switching between accounts is tedious and error-prone. I could buy another phone, but carrying two phones will me is just too cumbersome. In this situation, what are my options?
Dec ’23