Thanks for your awesome answer! I managed to open my app to PiP mode with your code. However, the camera view freezes and the AVCaptureVideoDataOutput stops outputting after a moment when PiP started. How can I make the camera continue to work?
By the way, I'm working on iOS16, which should be valid for multitasking camera without a entitlement according to this document, but captureSession.isMultitaskingCameraAccessSupported always returns false nonetheless. What should I do?
Hi @Alan_Z, I'm also struggling with the Create ML Components library. I downloaded Xcode 14 beta 5 and the sample code, however, I can't build the code nor import the both Create ML and Create ML Components in the playground and the compiler says No such module 'CreateMLComponents'. Can you kindly share how you managed to make it work? like, what's your xcode version, and have you installed any extra packages?