




Why is Safari even blocking an site?
I've posted before about the new Safari blocking some sites. Now it's even blocking some of sites! Witness: "Safari can't find the site". My versions are: safari Version 15.4 (17613. Monterey 12.4 beta 21E5222a Both Website tracking and Hide IP address are unchecked. This is now getting to the point that I'm going to stop using Safari altogether since it's so unpredictable as to what sites will be blocked. Does anybody else have this problem?
Feb ’22
Is Safari silently blocking some sites?
I'm using Safari Version 15.4 (17613. on Monterey 12.3 beta. I've been noticing that it hangs up (i.e. does nothing) on a number of sites. For example, this morning I tried to log on to After entering my userid and password and clicking on the link absolutely nothing happened -- no warning, no progress bar. When I went to firefox and did the same thing it brought up a Captcha. After filling that I could log on. I found that if I uncheck "Hide IP address from trackers", but check "Prevent cross site tracking" that I can log on In another case, I can't access It just sits there. I found that I had to check "Prevent cross site tracking" and uncheck "Hide IP Address fro trackers" and then I could lo g on. At the very least it could give a warning message instead of silently doing nothing. This is rather maddening. Can't Safari come up with a consistent policy and warn the user when it's blocking something?
Feb ’22
Why does every update of iOs reset MMSC and Max Message Size?
For quite a while now (years?) every time I update ios on my iphone it resets (clears) MMSC and MMS max message size on my cellular network settings. I'm reporting it here, because it happens with every beta update. My provider is google fi. In order to send MMS messages (for example to those who use Android) these need to be set. It's really annoying that I have to do this after each update. Can Apple please stop doing this?
Feb ’22
Is Safari blocking some sites?
I'm running Safari Version 15.4 (17613. on an intel iMac running Monterey 12.3 beta (21E5196i). Just now I tried to go to the site (which I use fairly frequently). Safari said that it couldn't resolve the site. Yet, when I give this to firefox on the same computer, it finds it without problem. Are there some settings that I need to change? I find this puzzling, since, if it is blocking the site, it should say that it's blocked, not that it couldn't resolve it.
Feb ’22
Safari hangs on some websites
Ever since upgrading to Monterey 12.2 beta, Safari will hang up trying to access This worked ok until the upgrade. Right now it's sat there for 10 minutes, and still hasn't accessed it. By contrast, when I use firefox it finds that website instantly. Any suggestions about debugging this, apart from the "sledgehammer approach" of deleting all cookies and history (which is lame to say the least).
Feb ’22
Pinned tabs malfunction in Safari
I've been using Safari with three pinned tabs. Every since the update to Monterey 12.2 beta things have been malfunctioning: If I switch to another tab and try to go back to my pinned tab, there's no url (or page) there any more. If I fill the URL in again, this causes Safari to crash (illegal store). I thought that it might be fixed in 12.3.1 beta but it's still there. In addition (and I don't know if this is related), if I terminate Safari (for example if I have to shut down or reboot), when it comes up again all of the tabs that I had open are lost -- they are all replaced by a reference to (which is my default home page). Has anyone else seen this happen?
Feb ’22
Captcha spins forever on safari
I'm using Safari Version 15.1 (17612.3.5) on Monterey 12.1 beta 3 on an iMac. I've noticed that I cannot use Captcha on any web page. When I click on "I am not a Robot" it just spins forever. When I try the same web pages on Firefox Captcha works just fine. Is anyone else seeing this? If not, do you have any suggestions?
Dec ’21