




On recent versions of Xcode, in iOS simulators the ability to enable the 'Zoom' feature in accessibility is disappearing. Is there any solution to this ?
I develop an application on iOS 13.0+ and we use a proprietary SDK for maps, so our situation is a bit more specific than usual. We have always had problems with the Zoom feature, and always appreciated the ability to simulate it in the Xcode simulators. I understand I cannot do anything against this, but is there any workaround or, at least somebody that knows the reason why they are removing it ? it is disappeared also if you select a simulator with a lower deployment target. Thanks for the attention.
Dec ’23
In a VPN Client for iOS and macOS that uses the network extension framework, is there a direct way to gather the VPN interface statistics?
I would like to provide to the user of my VPN client connection stats for transferred bytes. The VPN connections are established using the Network Extension framework with a normal protocol (IkeV2) and a custom protocol (WireGuard). The iOS App also uses the network extension framework with an implementation for openVPN. Is there a direct way to get the transmitted bytes values for incoming and outgoing traffic through the VPN programmatically ? Thanks a lot for your attention.
Jul ’21