




Notarization: The operation couldn't be completed. (SotoS3.S3ErrorType.multipart error 1.)
Hello, For my macOS app, on Xcode version 15.4 (15F31d) on macOS 14.5 (23F79) I follow Organizer > Distribute App > Direct Distribution, and I get a Notary Error "The operation couldn't be completed. (SotoS3.S3ErrorType.multipart error 1.)" It's been happening since 3 days. In the IDEDistribution.verbose.log file I see:
Jul ’24
Should we remove local storekit configuration option before submitting to App Store?
Hello, when developing an app on Xcode I add the local .storekit file to the run options as seen in the attachment. Should this option be reverted back to "None" before we submit the app to the App Store? Because this option is only under the "Run" scheme, not "Archive", I thought it shouldn't have any impact to the App Store build. Backstory: I had rejections from the app review team saying that they can't access the in-app purchases. In another build I removed this option and the app got accepted. But I don't know if this was the reason or it was because in-app purchases were waiting for review. When searching the web I've seen some people suggesting that the option should be "None". StoreKitConfigurationFileReference
May ’24
String catalogs from a Swift package Not loaded
I have encountered an issue related to the usage of string catalogs in a Swift package. I created a repository for reproduction. The file has all the details. Here is a short summary: The Package.swift file's target has resources: [.process("Resources")], and this Resources folder contains a string catalog. The catalog is correctly populated by the compiler, and German translations are added. Text view is using bundle: .module argument. However, when the scheme run options are changed to German, the UI still displays English text. Xcode throws a warning indicating that the German translation for the text is not found in the Localizable table of the bundle and it says (not loaded). Although the bundle contains translations in the Localizable.strings file. Screenshots of the issue are available in the original README file. I am looking for any insights or solutions to this problem.
Mar ’24
Notarization is forever in progress for macOS app
I'm experiencing consistent notarization issues with my macOS app, where my submissions are stuck "in progress". When I check the status after a while, I'm facing 404 errors, and the notarytool reports that the "submission Id does not exist." I've attempted to notarize it on different days, but with no success or clarifying error messages. Here are some of my notarization attempts that are still in progress: Jan 8, 2024: 25C31477-5893-4CAB-91AE-7900C261A1E4 Jan 15, 2024: Feb 7, 2024: 92B5B694-0952-4AE4-8BA3-2BBF54C96578 Feb 9, 2024: 3B3E047C-2B83-4499-9AE6-0B4F7922F5C2 Feb 10, 2024: C98A25BD-5A27-4112-AC99-6420599E30ED For an unknown reason I was able to notarize the app on 26 January, which was the only time it worked in 2024. As background, I had been notarizing this app without problem in 2023 for many months. I am able to correctly sign the app and export it without the notarization, and use it in my other Macbooks.
Feb ’24