I ask about a test account of Apple School Manager.
We develop the MDM product and want to cope with a function of Apple School Manager with our product.
Therefore I want to use Apple School Manager for function development, and may I enroll in Apple School Manager as MDM vendor?
When I cannot register for the reason of not being an educational institution, can you borrow us Apple School Manager Account for tests?
When using contentMetadataLookupUrl to get information for a custom B2B app, the [result] key may be empty.
API: https://uclient-api.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStorePlatform.woa/wa/lookup?version=2&id=1481545259&p=mdm-lockup&caller=MDM&platform=enterprisestore&cc=jp&l=j
header: {
"Content-type": "application/json",
"Cookie': 'itvt=***"
In some cases, the [result] key can be obtained correctly even in the same app.
Is anyone experiencing the same phenomenon?
Do you know why you can and may not get it?
I ask about a 「Submitting a Capability Request for Apps Using MDM」.
Request a Mobile Device Management Capability
I would like to know the progress of the examination.
Also, how can I know the examination result?
How do I disable "Passwords" in macOS Monterey's System Preferences?
I don't see "Passwords" in the Restricted Payload preferences in the Profile Manager.
I need to press the "Passwords" domain.
For example: "Battery" -> "com.apple.preferences.battery"
Regarding "Allow App to get File Provider info" of ProfileManger, please tell me specifically what is permitted when it is turned on.
Also, please tell me specifically what is restricted when it is turned off.
Screen Path
ProfileManager - [Device Groups] - [Settings] - [macOS] - [Restrictions] - [Apps] - [Allow App to get File Provider info]
The [Allow App to get File Provider info] item is the "AllowManagedFileProvidersToRequestAttribution" key.
Default: false
If true, enables file providers access to the path of the requesting process.
When a profile with AllowManagedFileProvidersToRequestAttribution turned on is installed on a Mac device, the message "Allow Apps To Get File Provider Info (MDM only)" appears.
In Wi-Fi Payload, I cannot install a profile with "Legacy Hotspot" set to "Network Type" on my Mac device.
Can I install a profile with "Legacy Hotspot" on my Mac device?
Profile XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>WiFi (TestSSID)</string>
Screen Path
ProfileManager - [Device Groups] - [Settings] - [macOS, iOS and tvOS] - [Network]
Network Interface: Legacy Hotspot
Service Set Identifier (SSID): Arbitrary value
After installation, the following will be output to the console log of the Mac device.
Error Log
Executing ClearPasscodeCommand on the iPhone fails because the value of the UnlockToken field is not saved in the DB of MDM.
Therefore, we want to resend the value of the UnlockToken field from the iPhone to MDM and store it in the DB.
Please tell me how to send the value of the UnlockToken field of the TokenUpdateRequest from the iPhone.
While the UnlockToken message can be sent multiple times by the device, it is possible it may only be sent once if PushMagic or UnlockToken values change.
I would like to know when the UnlockToken field values are updated.