Regarding "Allow App to get File Provider info" in ProfileManger, what is the behavior when it is turned on?

Regarding "Allow App to get File Provider info" of ProfileManger, please tell me specifically what is permitted when it is turned on.
Also, please tell me specifically what is restricted when it is turned off.

Screen Path
ProfileManager - [Device Groups] - [Settings] - [macOS] - [Restrictions] - [Apps] - [Allow App to get File Provider info]

The [Allow App to get File Provider info] item is the "AllowManagedFileProvidersToRequestAttribution" key.

AllowManagedFileProvidersToRequestAttribution boolean Default: false If true, enables file providers access to the path of the requesting process.

When a profile with AllowManagedFileProvidersToRequestAttribution turned on is installed on a Mac device, the message "Allow Apps To Get File Provider Info (MDM only)" appears.

Regarding "Allow App to get File Provider info" in ProfileManger, what is the behavior when it is turned on?