I need to set the openAppWhenRun:Bool dynamically in App Intent. Eventhough I set this way. the app does not open when run the shortcut automation.
static var openAppWhenRun:Bool { myNumber == 4 ? true : false }
I am very new to macApp development. I am trying make a Pomadoro app for my self.
For that I need to make my app to get full screen even its not in the foreground.
My problem is how to make the window fullscreen in SwiftUI ?
I am new to SwiftUI.... View is a protocol which only contains required stored property called "body". My question is , where modifier methods come from. 'cause "Protocol methods must not have bodies".?
When i see , "Content of written responses." in judging section I feel like we need make playground book. So that i wanna kow whether its correct ?
I need some references from apple how to create swift playground using xcode playground .