




in-app purchase - App store Server notifications issues in Sandbox
DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM We have integrated App store server notifications API to receive in-app-purchase transactions. When we are testing in Sandbox mode, we have faced some issue. We tested auto-renewable subscriptions in the application, App store server notifications received two times at the same time with the same transaction ID. In our mobile, We did not disable the "Allow purchases and renewals" option in sandbox account , but in server API it throws renewal failure notification and in few minutes renewal success notification coming 3)We have set 5 minutes interval for transactions in my sandbox account. Some time notifications coming on time, but some time it is delayed. Will this be happen in production also? Any proper way to test this? For failed transactions, transaction ID becomes same as previously succeeded transaction ID. How failed transaction Id is being generated actually? STEPS TO REPRODUCE Implement App store server notification API listener in Node JS Create sandbox account in app store and purchase a Auto renewable subscription from iOS device Expected Result App store server notification should come on time Duplicate transaction ID should not come on auto renewal subscription XCODE version - 14.3
Jun ’23