




Stuck in an Endless Loop: In-App Purchases Rejected on Apple Store Connect
I'm having some trouble with in-app purchases on Apple Store Connect, and I'm hoping someone here has dealt with a similar issue. Initially, I was able to add the purchases using the "Select In-App Purchases" button. However, after my app was refused, the in-app purchases were also rejected, and now I'm stuck in a frustrating loop: Developer Action Needed -> Waiting for Review -> Rejected. I’ve tried submitting the in-app purchases for review at the same time as the app, but that also ended in rejection. The reviewers can’t locate the in-app purchases, even though I list them in the comment box. I suspect this is because I can’t re-add them using the "Select In-App Purchases" button anymore. The instructions on "add the in-app purchases in the binary" are vague and non-specific. To make matters worse, the reviewers are commenting on issues from an older build, like a placeholder I left in the settings window. That placeholder has been removed in the latest build, but their feedback doesn’t reflect that. Has anyone encountered this loop or know how to get out of it? Any advice would be much appreciated!
Nov ’24