I have this exact issue now!
Once I've added an @EnvironmentObject to my view, built the project, then removed it again, I cannot seem to get any previews working again.
Seems code-independent, as if a SwiftUI cache is still referring to the old Environment object.
@eos-pi: Have you found a solution in the meantime? I've also tried all the known XCode voodoo (didn't help) so it might only be solved by a clean install of MacOS? 😨
For those who (like me) stumbled upon this thread trying to create an XCFramework with debug symbols & bitcode, I've made a build-phase script that makes it easy to implement.
Create a new target for your framework that is just for creating the .xcframework container (this is needed because when running this script on the same target, it gets an infinite loop)
Add the script to the target's Build phases --> Add new run script
For the rest, see the comments in the script
Set the output folder var
To make an XCFramework, we first build the framework for every type seperately
echo "XCFramework: Starting script to build an XCFramework. Output dir: ${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}"
Device slice.
echo "XCFramework: Archiving DEVICE type..."
xcodebuild archive -scheme "${PROJECT_NAME}" -configuration Release -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -archivePath "${BUILD_DIR}/archives/${PROJECT_NAME}.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive" SKIP_INSTALL=NO
echo "XCFramework: Archiving SIMULATOR type..."
Simulator slice.
xcodebuild archive -scheme "${PROJECT_NAME}" -configuration Release -destination 'generic/platform=iOS Simulator' -archivePath "${BUILD_DIR}/archives/${PROJECT_NAME}.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive" SKIP_INSTALL=NO
First, get all the UUID filepaths for BCSymbolMaps, because these are randomly generated and need to be individually added as the `-debug-symbols` parameter. The dSYM path is always the same so that one is manually added
echo "XCFramework: Generating IPHONE BCSymbolMap paths..."
for path in "${IPHONE_BCSYMBOLMAP_PATHS[@]}"; do
Simulator-targeted archives don't generate BCSymbolMap files, so above is only needed for iphone target
echo "XCFramework: Creating XCFramework file"
Then we group them into one XCFramework file
xcodebuild -create-xcframework -framework "${BUILD_DIR}/archives/${PROJECT_NAME}.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/${PROJECT_NAME}.framework" -debug-symbols "${BUILD_DIR}/archives/${PROJECT_NAME}.framework-iphoneos.xcarchive/dSYMs/${PROJECT_NAME}.framework.dSYM" $IPHONE_BCSYMBOLMAP_COMMANDS -framework "${BUILD_DIR}/archives/${PROJECT_NAME}.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/${PROJECT_NAME}.framework" -debug-symbols "${BUILD_DIR}/archives/${PROJECT_NAME}.framework-iphonesimulator.xcarchive/dSYMs/${PROJECT_NAME}.framework.dSYM" -output "${UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER}/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcframework"
For developer convenience, open the output folder
I have the same issue when untethered logging energy via the iOS settings -- Developer -- Logging -- Energy.
Doesn't matter if I record with/without cable connected when (for example) driving in my car, when I export it to Instruments, the Energy log is always empty
I also would like to know what the minimum duration between refreshes is.
Our app has a widget that shows relevant information about the user’s route to work/home. We ask the user what the depart time will be to home/work every day so we refresh the widget every 5 mins during a window of 30 mins around the depart time.
Is that a use case we shouldn’t support? We see the widget updating correctly after adding but after some time (a day or so) the updating stops and even ‘reloadAllTimelines’ doesn’t cause ‘getTimeline’ to be called anymore
Same issue. Tried with two different builds with different version numbers. Both don't show up
Thanks for your reply! I have added a video recording of the wrong pronunciation issue and a video recording of the right pronunciation from simulator to the FB9144292 issue, if that is also okay instead of an audio recording. Also added a sysdiagnose file that I gathered after reproducing the issue.
I'm having the problem that it doesn't seem to work for me, specifically for local notifications. Does anyone else have that too?
The app has the entitlement for 'Time-sensitive notifications'
The development provisioning profile that I sign the app with when running on-device also has the capability
I'm using a focus mode on the iOS 15 RC version that has 'time-sensitive notifications' enabled
My app is not in the 'allowed apps' list
But notifications specified with .timeSensitive as interruptionLevel don't seem to come through. They do come through when I add the app to the 'allowed apps' list, but that is not how it is supposed to work, right?
To answer my own question: I missed the entitlement in the .entitlements file called Time Sensitive Notifications to be set to YES
Same issue here. Very inconsistent behaviour, which we also hear from our users.
Our app starts in the background when it enters our Bluetooth beacon region and starts scanning. When the iPhone is right next to the device, it still finds zero peripherals sometimes. Our users also give this feedback, where on iOS 14 versions it worked near-100% of the time, where now it is very inconsistent.
So concretely, it doesn't call didDiscover peripheral after using scanForPeripherals. We give the service identifier of the device to the init of the CBCentralManager via the CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey and also use that identifier as a parameter withServices for the scanForPeripherals method.
I've reproduced this locally a couple of times on iOS 15.1, where the scanning doesn't return anything for more than 20 seconds. Then, a couple of seconds after that, we get a trigger again didEnterRegion and start scanning, which finds the same device within a couple of seconds.
In our extensive bug report about this issue (beacon monitoring specifically) the status has been updated to 'Potential fix identified - For a future OS update'.
Same issue here, with our CarPlay navigation app that crashes with the 15% CPU over 60 seconds message when put into the background.
Also a symptom that we see (don't know if that is also the case for you guys) is that the app gets suspended for a longer time (between 30 secs and 30 minutes or so). That makes the app unusable in the background. We are not sure if that last one is related, but seems to occur from iOS 15.2.1 and iOS 15.3
Same issue here, but we're getting this error only for our app extension
Failed to verify code signature of /var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.RTMSkO/extracted/Payload/AppName.app/PlugIns/AppName Share.appex : 0xe8008001 (An unknown error has occurred.)
Verify that the Developer App certificate for your account is trusted on your device. Open Settings on the device and navigate to General -> VPN & Device Management, then select your Developer App certificate to trust it.
Just rebuilding the app works to alleviate the issue, however the next time running will give the error again. So every other run it happens. Oh and no developer app certificate is available at the suggested location in the error.