I have implemented ShowInAppSearchResultsIntent and AppShortcutsProvider. But on iOS 18.1+ getting and error in console :- Failed to generate TargetContentIdentifier for criteria.
In iOS 18.0 it's working fine.
The code I have implemented
@AssistantIntent(schema: .system.search)
struct SearchIntent: ShowInAppSearchResultsIntent {
// static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Search in Cineverse for"
static let searchScopes: [StringSearchScope] = [.general]
@Parameter(requestValueDialog: IntentDialog("What would you like to search for?"))
var criteria: StringSearchCriteria
func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult {
let searchString = criteria.term
print("Searching for \(searchString)")
return .result()
class AppShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider {
static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] {
intent: SearchIntent(),
phrases: [
"using \(.applicationName) search for",
"search on \(.applicationName) app"
shortTitle: "Search Movie",
systemImageName: "magnifyingglass"