




@ObservedObject Issue
I have a major issue with @ObservedObject.I have the following statement@ObservedObject var model: UserDatain a good number of views and before Beta 5, I did not have to pass this variable into the preview, nor did I have to pass his variable into other views which already have the above statement.But now I do have to and it's a mess. Is there anyway around this?
Jul ’19
SwiftUI Gobbling Up CPU
I have beel fiddling with SwiftUI and it has taken up a huge amount of CPU %. Has anybody else experienced this? It it takes forever to build. I think I have it confused.My Xcode is shut down, but I still have two swift processes running at 98%.Something wrong here....
Jul ’19
Questions About Updating Older Core Data / iCloud App to Core Data / CloudKit
I have an older Core Data / iCloud app that I wish to convert toi Core Data / CloudKit. I also want to do a major update to iOS 13.0My questions are about the persistent store that is in 'ubiquity'.In my app, the original path to the persistent store isOriginal iCloud store path: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/Blah1/Documents/iCloudStore.sqliteHowever, I have to add the options for the persistent store coordinatoor as follows:iCloudOptions = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"iCloudStore", NSPersistentStoreUbiquitousContentNameKey, nil];The path to the actual persistent store in upbiquity is nowUbiquity iCloud store path: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/Blah1/Documents/CoreDataUbiquitySupport/mobile~Blah2/iCloudStore/Blah3/store/iCloudStore.sqliteNSPersistentStoreUbiquitousContentNameKey is deprecated.The question is, can I just grab the persistent store that is in the Original location, or do I have to grab the persistent store that is in the Ubiquity location?Also, if I need to get the Ubiquity store, can. I use NSPersistentStoreUbiquitousContentNameKey with a deployment target of 13.0?Also, how do I delete the old iCloud data (or can I) for the user when the app starts using CloudKit?
Jun ’19