setBccRecipients on MFMailComposeViewController?

It appears that the setBccRecipients call on MFMailComposeViewController is not working for Catalyst.
The same code works on iOS, and it works on Catalyst in setCcRecipients and setToRecipients variations correctly, and the documentation says the call is supported, but it returns an error message saying: "setToBccRecipients is not supported" and does nothing.

This is odd, because it is getting the name of the call wrong, as well.
Has anyone else encountered this problem?


I've the same problem ! Did you find a solution ?


No, they just closed my bug, and I felt unable to release on catalyst :(

Recently I see they have updated the documentation for this call with a note to say it doesn't work under Catalyst.

Annoyingly it ALSO doesn't work when running the iOS app on Apple Silicon. Which I see as a much more serious problem.

I believe being unable to put contacts into Bcc compromises email address privacy, and they really should fix this, rather than just documenting it. Please report this as a bug to them- as the more developers that do this, the more likely it will get fixed.