




In-App Purchase Product Ids not showing up in AppStoreConnect
Hi In-App Purchase Product Ids not showing up in AppStoreConnect Account. Even though I had create four Product Ids and they were approved and live. Also I am able to see all In-App purchase in App Store under my application name. I am also able to process In-App Purchase through live application. Its strange, that in under In-App Purchases section, there is no In-App purchase listed. Although all In-App purchases there few days back. Section under AppStoreConnect Its appearing in App Store and I am able to purchase content successfully Need guidance if anything missing at my side
Jun ’22
iOS Application rejected due to unable to access app with third party login services
I am working on iOS Application which has Login and Sign Up requirement before using application. Login screen has four option to login: Login with email & password Login with Apple Login with Facebook Login with Google Sign Up module is divided into multiple screens according to design of application. In third & last step of sign up, where we are collecting user's email, first name, last name etc, we are also showing third party login buttons for Apple, Facebook & Google to auto fill all the information from social accounts and later on, user can login with social accounts. So, Apple Review Team just rejected our application because of the reasons: Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness We continue to discover one or more bugs in your app. Specifically, we were still unable to access your app with third party login services. Actually they are trying to login with third party login services and getting error on login screen: No profile exists against this account. Please sign up or use another account to continue. Reason: They are trying to login with social accounts but they didn't signed up with social accounts first. To sign up with social accounts, they need to go to sign up screens (multiple screens involved) and enter all the required information. They are not going to sign up screens and tapping on social accounts buttons from login screen and asking that its not working. Multiple versions of our application already accepted by Apple but this time they rejected application. Has anyone else had faced a similar issue? They continuously rejecting application even I tried multiple times to explain the flow even by attaching video of social login and sign up process. Thanks in advance!
May ’22