




Background update home widget iOS
The application was initially written in Swift, and we released an update where the app was rewritten in Flutter. Currently, we are adding a widget natively written in SwiftUI to the Home screen. The widget updates are managed by BGTaskScheduler. In BGTaskScheduler, an API request is made to fetch the latest data. The data is then processed to calculate an average value, which is subsequently sent to UserDefaults. The widget displays data fetched from UserDefaults. The minimum update interval is set to 30 minutes. When testing the widget updates through a build in Xcode, the widget updates as expected at the specified interval. However, when this build was provided to users via TestFlight, the widget does not update for them. Could this issue be related to TestFlight’s resource limitations? Is there any guarantee that releasing this version will ensure the widget updates correctly for users?
Nov ’24
Background fetching data not work
Hello, I have a some problem with background fetch. In my app I use background modes for fetch data and display on my home widget iPhone. Its working correct when I built app on my phone from Xcode but when I distribute my app on TestFlight my home widget not updating at all. Help me understand if this issue is only due to TestFlight resources, or should I try releasing the app and hope that it will work in the release version?
Nov ’24