




Not seeing Download Manager in Safari View Controller
I have an app which uses the Safari View Controller to launch a website. That website has the fucntionality of downloading attachments. The downloading fucntionality was working differently until iOS 12.4.1 and now in iOS 13, apple has introduced the download manager in Safari.That's fine, but in the app's Safari View Controller, there is no Dnwnload Manager button shown on the top right.I can see another difference between the Safari Browser and Safari View Controller. In Safari, while tapping on the attachment link, a popup is displayed to donwload or view the attachment. But in Safari View Controller, while tapping the same attachment link, its displaying a screen fo "More.." and Open In "AnyApp which handles documents"
Oct ’19
urlSession- didReceive challenge - is not working the same way as the NSURLConnection - willSendRequestFor challenge
We are trying to migrate from NSURLConnection to URLSession. But for some reason the challenge part in the delegate methods are working differently in these two frameworks. The webservice endpoint server of ours need a SSL cert for trust along with BASIC Auth. In NSURLConnection, I can see that the "NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate" challenge is requested by the server and the code sends the p12 file and works perfect. But in URLSession, I can see only this challenge is coming thru - "NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust" and even If I send the P12 file for this challenge, i do not get any response. I have mentioned this to my webservice endpoint server.
Aug ’20
Where can I get the iOS devices model images as it's shown in the "Find My" App?
I am developing an in-house app, which will list the user's devices registered to the MDM. I thought it will be cool to show the devices similar to the way its shown in "Find My" app. I mean each device detail will be displayed with the device's model image in the side. So far, I have managed to copy the images of my devices and my colleague's devices from the website - . Where can we get complete iOS family images?
Dec ’20
Is there an iTunes API or any API for the latest iOS version and release date?
Hello Everyone, Is there an iTunes API or any Apple API which will provide the latest iOS version in the market and the release date? We have an In-House iOS app where we will have to check the latest iOS version available in the market and its release date. Currently we are maintaining them in our custom database and accessing them thru custom API. Any help will be appreciated!! Thans, Sarayoodharan.K
May ’21
ControlWidget in iOS 18 Beta not showing and the widget created prior to iOS18 Beta not showing too.
I tried creating a ControlWidget following this Apple document -, but for some reason the Control is not showing while I am trying to add and on top of that the widget which we created prior to iOS18 is also not showing, while trying to add. Here is the gist of code : struct WidgetLauncher{ static func main() { if #available(iOSApplicationExtension 18.0, *) { appWidgetsFor18.main() } else { appWidgets.main() } struct apptWorkWidgets: WidgetBundle { var body: some Widget { WidgetPriorToiOS18() } } @available(iOSApplicationExtension 18.0, *) struct appWidgetsFor18: WidgetBundle { var body: some Widget { WidgetPriorToiOS18() PerformActionButton() //This from the apple's document. } } @available(iOSApplicationExtension 18.0, *) struct PerformActionButton: ControlWidget { var body: some ControlWidgetConfiguration { StaticControlConfiguration( kind: "com.example.myApp.performActionButton" ) { ControlWidgetButton(action: PerformAction()) { Label("Perform Action", systemImage: "") } } .displayName("Perform Action") .description("An example control that performs an action.") } } struct PerformAction: AppIntent { static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Perform action" func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { // Code that performs the action... return .result() } }
Jul ’24
How to handle to WiFi networks with same SSIDs?
Hello Everyone, I have developed an iOS/iPadOS app in which I am checking if the device is connected to a particular WiFi network. I am able to check that using the CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo dictionary and the value of the key "kCNNetworkInfoKeySSID". So, while doing that I was wondering what will happen if there is another WiFi network with same SSID. Is there another way to identify a WiFi network uniquely?
Oct ’24