




What is the storage capacity for VisionPro?
Obviously there must be some non-volatile user storage, or VisionPro apps couldn't be loaded. What is that capacity? Also, is it possible to use an existing Mac as an external storage device for data for VisionPro apps? I can think of plenty of use-cases where any conceivable sized VisionPro SSD would be filled quite rapidly by user-generated content, or where flexibility would require a large database to work robustly. Is there any documentation available on the storage capacity and any external storage possibilities for VisionOS devices?
Jul ’23
We need sample code in how to create an ANN to recognize HAND digit positions and an API to facilitate creating and using such.
I saw this title and was exited until I realized it referred to numerical digits: Training a neural network to recognize digits We need the equivalent to help us recognize hand positions (and an API that will use the entire array of joints if it doesn't exist all ready, to use as inputs for such a neural network recognizer. The obvious use case is to recognize finger spelling. One issue is that some letters are spelt by a motion, not merely by a hand position (see 'J' and 'Z') — — so ideally such a sample ANN recognizer should also handle temporal/animation issues. That. last segues into the big brother of such a recognizer: one that recognizes both ASL fingerspelling AND ASL gestures Should Apple create a sample recognizer for both, then these could be used as templates for recognizing pretty much any conceivable set of finger, hand & arm positions/gestures. Training of suchsets is also an issue. Appleshould help developers devise shareable libraries for trained and trainable gesture recognizer ANNs. But from what I've seen the current API for joints is NOT up to task, or at least, it would be a major project just to create a such a system, even though it has wide applications, both for ASL itself AND in the wider use-case of generic position and gesture recognition.
Jun ’23
VisionOS used outdoors? Is 2D video streaming standard with AVP?
This Video ( seems to show that someone is watching a 3D video made BY the Apple Vision Pro while they were outside. Most VR googles don't do well outdoors, or so I understand. Is this not the case with the AVP? What are the limitations? Also, my understanding is that the above video was done entirely via a VisionPro device, both the shots of the person wearing the device, and the shots of what it looks like from their perspective as they use it. Is that correct? If so, will 2D video streaming be standard with AVP upon release? If not, it should be, or at least an available upgrade. The use-cases for 2D video streaming of the AVP's POV are too numerous to list: e.g. youtube videos/live streaming; news broadcasts (indoor at least, depending on the outdoor usability), educational lectures (think Robert Reich illustrated lectures ( using all the tools of AR/VR rather than pen and paper), If Facetime avatars can be taken out of the box, then a newscaster could place their avatar within the the scene that the are reporting from a safer distance than might otherwise by possible. etc
Jun ’23
Any way to live link to frameworks/libraries from within a VisionOS app?
Basically, can a third party IDE run inside a Vision Pro device to give programmers the opportunity to live test the API in real world circumstances? Static programming may be safer and all that is allowed for end-users, but there's a jillion use-cases for live programming using the Smalltalk IDE (e.g. Squeak) undreamt of in the current Apple development ecosystem. There's always ways around whatever walled garden Apple sets up, but if Apple allows developers the same affordances for testing their apps in vOS by installing them on at least their own vOS device that they do in iOS, then they can't stop it and instead should embrace it.
Jun ’23
Someone needs vOS video format info ASAP (loved one dying before release)
There's a discussion on r/visionosdev on about how to fake recording a vPro recording for later playback: The idea so far is to use two iPhone cameras roughly eye-distance apart to capture stereo video + lidar data. What else can be done to try to provide enough data for some future "stitching"/conversion software to bring a pre-vPro video into vOS?
Jun ’23