I know is 8 months old but I had the same issue.
Try swapping the 100 with the 101 in your Plist file, that did the trick for me.
1- A0000003964D66344D0002
2- D2760000850101
3- D2760000850100
Have you filled a report on Feedback Assistant?
WWDC20 is an event.
Card emulation works on Wallet app only.
Same here, calling NFC read only works 1 time and then it keeps showing that Error until reboot. -_-
Did anyone already put the Bug report?
I really miss this feature.
2 years after, and Siri in my computer still answers me "Siri never sleeps"
I wish it would just send my computer to sleep like it used to.
Seem to be fixed already.
The app is running no problem now.
Thank you Apple!
Well everybody,
Thanks to the hard work of the engineers at Apple, this feature is now a reality.
All the Spark 1 and Spark 2 users will be able to use an iPhone to manage their account this fall.
Look forward to iOS 14 release!!!
I managed to get it working!!!
So the message data should be created as the APDU wants,
but we should remove the Tag UID, the 0x35 command and the 0x20 flag from the APDU Byte array.
Seems like this "authenticate" command actually fills those spots for you!!
Excellent job CoreNFC team!!!
(Some better documentation would be nice tho)
I edited my comment above to include this information. But I don't find an option to delete this reply.
Hello, thank you for your reply.
Yes I have the complete APDU from the manufacturer, but I am not sure how this "authenticate" command includes the 0x35 or the other parts of the APDU such as the selection of the Key. The APDU for 0x35 includes a flag 0x20 which tells the chip we will be sending the tag's UID, and also the Key number from inside the chip so it can perform the AES encryption process.
I have tried a bunch of combinations, with chip UID, without chip UID, sending the whole APDU. But I just get one of two errors:
Tag connection lost
Code=15 "Stack Error"
Oh and btw, yes I am using NFCTagReaderSession and confirming its a ISO15963 tag
I am able to send:
and get the correct tag information.
Apple just released their new beta version. It seems they have implemented authenticate command 0x35 for ISO15963.
But there is no much more information on the documentation as to how to implement this yet.
In a few more days there will be a WWDC2020 presentation of this and other commands they have implemented. Hopefully there we will get more information and finally get this apps on everyone's hands!
I have submitted a feature enhancement request on Feedback Assistant last year. It has been slow, but we already sent chip implants to Apple Engineers and private documents of how this chips work. They have everything to make the necessary changes. We have not hear back from Apple NFC Engineers since a while ago. Last word we had was that they needed an example data for the chip and what to expect from the chip. We have provided that and still waiting for their response on Feedback Assistant.
We are still waiting and periodically messaging them to see if there are some news.
My app requires the user to scan an NFC tag for authentication.I provide links with login information on a website with a registered custom URL Scheme.My app should open, let the user scan their NFC tag and send the user back to the previous opened app.Not possible to make it automatic without making the user click the "Back to ***" button?
Link is dead. did you managed to make it work?
Link is dead. Did you managed to make it work?I am on the same situation.