App deep linking with URL scheme: Programmatically go back to previous application

I'm developing a custom keyboard for iOS. When I'm e.g. in Safari using my custom keyboard, I have a button in my keyboard to jump to to keyboard containing app. Then in my keyboard app I have the iOS specific "<- Safari" button in the top left corner to jump back to Safari.

Is it possible to programmatically jump back to the source application (no matter what app; in my example Safari)?

It must be somehow possible, because the app Scandit Wedge does exactly what I want. I created an empty test app without any url scheme and with the Scandit Wedge keyboard I can go to Scandit app, scan a barcode and it goes automatically back to the source app.

Here's a video I recorded:

Link is dead. Did you managed to make it work?
I am on the same situation.

App deep linking with URL scheme: Programmatically go back to previous application