




Siri never sleeps
I used to ask Siri everyday to “go to sleep” and she would turn the computer to sleep mode with no problem. Now she answers me “Siri never sleeps” I need to specifically ask “Can you put the computer to sleep?” And without even an answer the computer just turns black to sleep mode. Which is ok but some feedback that she got it or something would be nice. “Got it! I’m setting the computer to sleep mode” or something like that would be nice.
Feb ’18
urlSessionDidFinishEvents(forBackgroundURLSession session: URLSession) does not trigger
I have an app that used to work fine until WatchOS 4. When upgrading to WatchOS 5 (now beta 3) it stopped receiving urlSessionDidFinishEvents(forBackgroundURLSession session: URLSession).This is how I used to schedule the URLSessionfunc scheduleURLSession() { let backgroundConfigObject = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: NSUUID().uuidString) backgroundConfigObject.sessionSendsLaunchEvents = true let backgroundSession = URLSession(configuration: backgroundConfigObject, delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil) print("scheduled background session: ", backgroundSession) let downloadTask = backgroundSession.downloadTask(with: sampleDownloadURL!) downloadTask.resume() }func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, downloadTask: URLSessionDownloadTask, didFinishDownloadingTo location: URL)Never happens as well.Any help would be great.
Jul ’18
iOS 13 CoreNFC ISO15963 customCommand 0x35
I am working with ISO15963 tags. I am able to get the tag info, such as UID, etc etc, also can read and write EPROM. But this tags also provide an AES128 bit cryptography module that requires custom commands with a byte string payload to execute security authentication. Android NFC framework provides developers a “transceive()” command that only takes a string of bytes and automatically reads the buffer to catch the answer from the tag. So developers can create their own custom payloads according to manufacturers specifications. Apple’s new CoreNFC customCommand for ISO15963 protocol is limited to commands from A0 to DF (ISO15963-3 standard) Leaving out extremely important optional commands on the ISO15963-4 standard like. '34' Optional Yes Yes Yes Extended write multiple blocks '35' Optional No No Authenticate '36' Optional Yes Yes KeyUpdate '37' Optional No No AuthComm crypto format indicator '38' Optional No No SecureComm crypto format indicator '39' Optional No No Challenge '3A' Optional No Yes No ReadBuffer '3B' Optional No No No Extended get system information '3C' Optional No No No Extended get multiple block security Where can we ask Apple CoreNFC team to enable us to use more than A0~DF commands? I am mainly interested in the 0x35 command for AES128 Crypto Authentication.
Aug ’19
iOS 14 CoreNFC ISO15963 Authenticate command.
Hello everyone, Can someone explain how to use this new function for iOS 14? Authenticate command (0x35 command code) - Authenticate command (0x35 command code) as defined in ISO15693-3 specification.  Please note that in-process reply is returned to the caller without any processing. public func authenticate(requestFlags flags: NFCISO15693RequestFlag, cryptoSuiteIdentifier: Int, message: Data, resultHandler: @escaping (Result<(NFCISO15693ResponseFlag, Data), Error>) -> Void) What does it mean by "in-process reply is returned to the caller without any processing"? Seems clear enough but I am getting a Result Failure with Error: Tag connection lost
Jun ’20
WatchOS CoreBluetooth on Background.
I have a HM-10 Bluetooth 4.0 module connected to my Apple Watch. The module is a trigger for a camera. My app is a remote trigger for the camera. It should also be able to trigger the camera after few seconds. Or keep the exposure open for few seconds. Due to the camera limitations my maximum time is 60 seconds. What I need is to be able to register a background task to run a very small code for a few Milliseconds to allow the Apple Watch to send the "Start" or "Stop" the exposure command, trough Bluetooth. The iPhone app does this wit no problem, is already on the App Store. "RZ Blue" on iOS App Store and "RZBL" on Apple Watch App Store This is a key feature for this app and I believe it would be beneficial to set timed events to run in the background. I hope someone reads this someday and help out implementing this missing feature for CoreBluetooth in AppleWatch. Thank you for your time. PS: To whomever will suggest to put a Feedback Assistant feature request. Is been up since April 20, 2020. Still with no answer. FB7669618
Jun ’20