@bob39722 For me this didn't work. For [NSInteger] I still receive CoreData: Declared Objective-C type "[NSInteger]" for attribute ... is not valid when using NSSecureUnarchiveFromData.
@ptxmac, the preview works with this workaround, but I can not import the Library anymore. I always get the error "No such module ...".
I can confirm this, 13.3 increased build time for at least +33%.
👍 Thanks for the feedback!
👍 Thanks for the feedback!
👍 Thank you very much for the update!!
Thanks for your reply. Do you experience the same problems?
Thanks for the recommendation to file bug reports. However, here it's stated that you can give feedback here in the forum as well: https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=jc8zs7ns "Have more thoughts on the forums? You can provide feedback by contacting Apple Developer Support or by creating a post and adding the Forums Feedback tag." And where in the feedback assistant do I find "Developer forum"?? I can not find it!
Thanks, I’ll do it that way until the issue is fixed!