I am saving after making these changes. In the case of a batch(?) update in the main modelContext...
let _ = try? context.update(expressions: ["isRead": NSExpression(forConstantValue: true)], model: Article.self, where: predicate)
try? context.save()
and in the case of a background thread with a new ModelContext...
let context = ModelContext(container)
context.autosaveEnabled = true
let article = Article(…)
try? context.save()
The changes are definitely getting saved to the DB. If I force refresh my View and its @Query, the new Articles appear.
In both cases, I also don't see didSave get called...
.onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: ModelContext.didSave)) { notification in
print("😀 \(#function) didSave")