Streamlined purchasing cannot be turned off because your latest approved binary doesn’t include the required StoreKit APIs.
For this, I tried selecting the option "Turn Off Streamlined Purchasing" in App Store Connect, and I received this error.
What I’ve Done So Far:
I have added the StoreKit file in Xcode.
Still, I get the error when submitting my app binary.
In app capability added in xcode
My Setup:
React Native
Xcode version
StoreKit2 integration using React Native IAP sdk (react-native-iap)
Here is the code I am using to set up the in-app purchase system:
RNIap.setup({ storekitMode: 'STOREKIT_HYBRID_MODE' });
const connection = await RNIap.initConnection();
if (connection) {
if (isAndroid) {
await RNIap.flushFailedPurchasesCachedAsPendingAndroid();
} else {
await RNIap.clearTransactionIOS();
if (isIos) {
await RNIap.IapIosSk2.sync()
.then(() => {})
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Error IapIosSk2 IAP:', error);
await getAllSubscriptionList();
await getPlanStructure();
//For Subscription
await RNIap.requestSubscription({
sku: sku,
subscriptionOffers: [{ sku, offerToken }],
//For Consumable Products
await RNIap.requestPurchase({
sku: sku,
andDangerouslyFinishTransactionAutomaticallyIOS: false,
Steps I’ve Taken to Troubleshoot:
Cleaned and rebuilt the project.
Checked App Store Connect settings for in-app purchases.
How can I resolve this error? Are there additional steps required to correctly enable StoreKit2 in a React Native project?
Additional Info:
Any advice or guidance on this issue would be greatly appreciated.