Any page that has a JavaScript function named "top()" in it causes JavaScript to fail.
The function doesn't need to be called or even contain anything.
function top()
JavaScript just locks up.
This affects iOS17.2 and macOS 14.2
If occurs in Safari and any app using WKWebView
This is a critical bug that affects sites and apps in the wild. I suggest there is something very wrong with the Javascript engine in general if certain function names can cause such a failure.
Does anyone else have other function names that cause this failure?
My code used to work on iOS versions prior to iOS16, but it no longer does.
I am running iPadOS -not checked on iPhones.
A view based on WKWebView is supposed to show HTML files inside a keyboard extension. It is now not not displaying correctly and any Javascript will lock up the UI. Setting stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString > evaluateJavaScript's completionHandler to nil fixes this, but Javascript is not run.
No errors, but blank space.
Any ideas?