




Reply to Xcode 12b3 Undefined symbol: __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftWebKit
I am facing the same issue. This appeared for me randomly! i was able to archive my project normally before and since then i didn't add any new libraries and stuff. The project runs perfectly fine on my device but it doesn't archive for some reason... This is the error heading i am receiving from the console: Undefined symbol: _$s10RealmSwift0A14CollectionImplPAAE12makeIteratorAA11RLMIteratorVy7ElementQzGyF
Nov ’22
Reply to What are UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities for iPad?
I am also facing this issue! I have uploaded my app and it went through app review many time and got rejection until i fixed everything as they asked me to, and the weird part in my last app review they asked to add a video link so they can see the app in action and then resubmitting it again. I have resubmitted the same version but now i got a rejection for: "We were unable to install the app on iPhone. The UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in the Info.plist is set in such a way that the app will not install on iPhone." My app is on IOS 16 and developed with swiftUI and the latest Development tools from Apple.
Oct ’22