




Reply to Can I use the images generated by Midjourney in my project?
From my understanding you can use Midjourney images commercially if you generate them while having a paid license. If you do not have a paid license when generating them, you are violating their Terms of Service. Once generated, you completely own the images and commercial rights to them, even if your subscription expires. As per their terms of service: "If You are not a Paid Member, You don’t own the Assets You create. Instead, Midjourney grants You a license to the Assets under the Creative Commons Noncommercial 4.0 Attribution International License (the “Asset License”)." "You must purchase a “Pro” membership for every individual accessing the Services on Your behalf in order to own Assets You create." Happy coding! Raymond
Apr ’23
Reply to Using of music in the app
Welcome to Apple Developer Forums! For the Swift Student Challenge, you should have full rights to the content in your app, including music, images, text, and more. If you want to have music in your app, please make sure you own all copyrights or are allowed to use the music. Good luck! Raymond
Apr ’23
Reply to Clarification on the 3 minute rule
Hey Coder T! Thank you for posting to the developer forums. To answer your question, the maximum length of 3 minutes is applied to the judging of the app time, so it should take a maximum of 3 minutes to fully experience your application. I recommend you make it possible to experience the majority of your application within 3 minutes, as there is no guarantee that the judges will run it for longer than 3 minutes. Good luck! Raymond
Apr ’23