




iTunes Connect having issues with screenshot uploads
I am trying to push out a new release of an app that has had a redesign of the UI, so I am trying to update the screenshots for iPhone with this release. I am able to upload them initially with no errors. However, when I try to submit the release for review I get the "There are still screenshot uploads in progress." error. When I refresh the page, I see a placeholder grey image with the cloud, with the message stating that the file has been uploaded and is processing. The GraphQL like response from the server shows the asset with the proper filename when refreshing in the list of resources, so the image meta data has at least been saved. I've tried using PNG and JPG as well as re-uploading the screenshots I had used before. I've tried on Mac and Windows with the same problem. It appears to be an issue with iTunes Connect. This is not an issue with screen resolution. The error posted "There are still screenshot uploads in progress." is the only one I see and I only see it when trying to submit the app. Additionally, viewing in the media manager doesn't change the behavior, I get the same issue.
Jan ’21