this crash happened after we passed the threshold of 128
What does this mean? 128 what? 128 dynamic library loads?
@eskimo I'm confused. In Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles, while editing my app's identifier, we have "Extended Virtual Address Space" and "Increased Memory Limit" appearing as two separate things. Meanwhile in Xcode 13, in Capabilities, we just have "Extended Virtual Address Space" and checking it adds to our app's entitlements. We also had to manually add in order for "Increased Memory Limit" to show up in the summary when we archive our app, because there's no option in Signing & Capabilities to add Increased Memory Limit. Please advise!
ARen't these 2 doc providing enough info ?
No, they are not providing enough info, not even close.
It just says, "A property wrapper type that can read and write a value that SwiftUI updates as the placement of focus within the scene changes."
That does not answer any of the following questions:
What exactly is "focus"?
What isn't focus?
What is the relationship between FocusState and accessibility focus?
What is the relationship between whether a SecureField is being edited, and whether it's "focused"?
Did you ever find a solution? We're having a similar issue with libSwift_Concurrency.dylib, which is signed by Apple itself, being reported by AppStore Connect as having an invalid code signature. I ran codesign -dvvvvvvv on this lib and the code signature in the one we uploaded seems to be Apple's so I'm pretty unclear what's going on.