I think the latter is my problem. I believe so. Have you tried using startAccessingSecurityScopedResource as suggested here?
Can you show your tried code? I cannot reproduce the same layout using Section.
You should better use Code Block properly. More readable code would appeal to more readers.
Thanks for trying, but far from enough to guess what's happening for me. Hope you can solve your issue soon.
Thanks for showing. So how or when or where do you set "HasAchnowledgedUserLicence"?
for newer version (after iOS14) of Xcode, both SceneDelegate.swift and AppDelegate.swift are no longer automatically generated. Using Xcode 12.x, you can choose Life Cycle as UIKit App Delegate for iOS App, and Xcode will generate both SceneDelegate.swift and AppDelegate.swift. Better forget that unreliable link and make Xcode generate them, after that, you can move other SwiftUI files into the new project.
Can you show whole definitions of ViewModel and ServerStatusAPI? In case ServerStatusAPI or any properties in it are not value type, @Published would not work as expected.
Please re-read again. You may need to generate seemingly uniform values.
Unfortunately, Xcode is not so mature as compared to Visual Studio. You can send a bug report to Apple.
Tried with Xcode 12.5.1 and worked.
Thanks for clarifying. Readers would not be able to guess you have some code like myStore.product!.title somewhere. Neither able to guess what myStore is nor how the property product is updated.
@narcisfromgirona Why do you make the var private? The keyword private is an access modifier which limits the access to the property (or method) only within the same class. It is a good habit not to show some members required only for internal processing for abstraction and may help Swift compiler optimize better.
It is needed only when using State Preservation & Restoration feature of iOS and you want to make your Restoration ID same as the Storyboard ID. Generally, not many apps use this feature and you can keep it empty.
The thing is I need noRepFav because I don't want duplicates in my array. You just need to update favArr without making duplicates.
Thanks for showing your code. But isn't it a problem of using URLSessionStreamTask?