Can you show the complete code of FavCell? In addition, can you tell us from where the segue to HighlightsVC is put?
I must have selected create group? No you need to choose Create folder references, or you can change the resource path textFiles/Licence to Licence.
I guess it is due to I have two TabView in one project. do you have any idea? Very likely. Rename your own TabView to something other and tell us what happens. One more, please show us the complete definition of your TabView.
why earlier versions of Xcode crash as soon as I open them? Apple made it so. what can be done to fix that? As far as I know, there is no sure way. Better find other ways than using old Xcode.
This applies also for updating existing apps that build with an older version?
YES. When an announcement by Apple says apps submitted to the App Store, it includes updates to existing apps.
Whether you are working on macOS tools or not, you can test functionalities of actors and async/await using iOS App projects. Or attach an external storage and install Monterey into it.
Thanks for showing your code. I could have confirmed that the delegates of the two text fields are connected properly and works as expected on manual key touches. In my opinion, it is a sort of bug that Text on Camera not calling delegate methods. You should better send a bug report. (On the other hand, it is a known issue that insertText and some other methods do not call delegate methods.)
Showing a code in comments would not seem to be a good idea. You may need to use Your Answer to show codes well-formatted. Please check if the code is sufficient to reproduce the issue.
Please tell me the details if you cannot make it work.
@GettinSwifty, you should better show what you have done till now and what you get with your latest code. With showing more code, you would get more chance for the right solution.
Thanks for sharing the info.
I may be mistaking what you mean. Please try to explain with more code and more examples.
Sorry, but in the Project Navigator does not mean added to the target. And I do not understand what gray'd out means. Have you checked your loadData() returns non-empty value?
Formatting feature is very limited in comments and you cannot edit your original post after a while in this site. You may need to use Your Answer to show some additional info formatted.
CTRL + M generates a control code 0x0D (Carriage Return, \r). Seems your code outputs the expected results. What do you think is the problem here?