




Try to install app from TestFlight
Hi everyone, I had an issue when I try to install my new version app from Testflight : "Your request couldn't be complete". Here are the logs from console arround the error message, maybe you need more to understand, please ask me: Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone filecoordinationd(Foundation)[182] <Notice>: Claimer for F617D0A4-B0C9-4959-A97B-F56C708B1187 is waiting for presenter 33BF6739-023F-47D2-BC77-3D7B05150927 on the same item to relinquish Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone filecoordinationd(Foundation)[182] <Notice>: Presenter 33BF6739-023F-47D2-BC77-3D7B05150927 has finished relinquishing, unblocking claimer for F617D0A4-B0C9-4959-A97B-F56C708B1187 Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone filecoordinationd(Foundation)[182] <Notice>: Claimer for F617D0A4-B0C9-4959-A97B-F56C708B1187 is waiting for presenter F70D85D2-3F57-4277-8FAF-0D5F8D066204 on the same item to relinquish Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone filecoordinationd(Foundation)[182] <Notice>: Asking presenter F70D85D2-3F57-4277-8FAF-0D5F8D066204 to relinquish to claim F617D0A4-B0C9-4959-A97B-F56C708B1187 Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone filecoordinationd(Foundation)[182] <Notice>: Received relinquishment reply for presenter F70D85D2-3F57-4277-8FAF-0D5F8D066204 to claim F617D0A4-B0C9-4959-A97B-F56C708B1187 Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone filecoordinationd(Foundation)[182] <Notice>: Presenter F70D85D2-3F57-4277-8FAF-0D5F8D066204 has finished relinquishing, unblocking claimer for F617D0A4-B0C9-4959-A97B-F56C708B1187 Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone filecoordinationd(Foundation)[182] <Notice>: Claim F617D0A4-B0C9-4959-A97B-F56C708B1187 invoked in server Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(Foundation)[461] <Notice>: Claim F617D0A4-B0C9-4959-A97B-F56C708B1187 granted in client Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(Foundation)[461] <Notice>: Claim F617D0A4-B0C9-4959-A97B-F56C708B1187 invoked in client Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(UIKitCore)[461] <Notice>: <private>: Ending background task with UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier: 24 Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(UIKitCore)[461] <Notice>: <private>: Ending task with identifier 24 and description: <private>, _expireHandler: <__NSMallocBlock__: 0x2822bb5a0> Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(UIKitCore)[461] <Notice>: <private>: Decrementing reference count for assertion <private> (used by background task with identifier 24: <private>) Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(libusrtcp.dylib)[461] <Error>: tcp_input [C7.1.1:3] flags=[R] seq=703144431, ack=0, win=0 state=LAST_ACK rcv_nxt=703144431, snd_una=3479260255 Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone filecoordinationd(Foundation)[182] <Notice>: Claim F617D0A4-B0C9-4959-A97B-F56C708B1187 was revoked Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone filecoordinationd(Foundation)[182] <Notice>: Making presenter F70D85D2-3F57-4277-8FAF-0D5F8D066204 reacquire after claim F617D0A4-B0C9-4959-A97B-F56C708B1187 Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone filecoordinationd(Foundation)[182] <Notice>: Making presenter 33BF6739-023F-47D2-BC77-3D7B05150927 reacquire after claim F617D0A4-B0C9-4959-A97B-F56C708B1187 Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[461] <Notice>: Claiming post install status job with app ID: 6452721917, bundle ID: fr.altplusun.wespotturtles.weSpotTurtles, build ID: fr.altplusun.wespotturtles.weSpotTurtles, version: 1.1.0 (11) Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(UIKitCore)[461] <Notice>: <private>: Will add backgroundTask with taskName: <private>, expirationHandler: <__NSMallocBlock__: 0x28229ed00> Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(UIKitCore)[461] <Notice>: <private>: Reusing background assertion <BKSProcessAssertion: 0x280f95540> Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(UIKitCore)[461] <Notice>: <private>: Incrementing reference count for background assertion <private> Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(UIKitCore)[461] <Notice>: <private>: Created background task <private>. Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(UIKitCore)[461] <Notice>: <private>: Will add backgroundTask with taskName: <private>, expirationHandler: <__NSMallocBlock__: 0x2822dcdb0> Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone itunesstored(StoreServices)[183] <Notice>: SSXPCServer: Received connection from: message: [<private> <private>] Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(UIKitCore)[461] <Notice>: <private>: Reusing background assertion <BKSProcessAssertion: 0x280f95540> Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(UIKitCore)[461] <Notice>: <private>: Incrementing reference count for background assertion <private> Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(StoreServices)[461] <Notice>: SSVTelephonyController: Process TestFlight is missing required telephony entitlement. Skipping instantiation of CoreTelephonyClient. Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(UIKitCore)[461] <Notice>: <private>: Created background task <private>. Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(StoreServices)[461] <Notice>: SSVTelephonyController: Process TestFlight is missing required telephony entitlement. Skipping instantiation of CoreTelephonyClient. Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[461] <Notice>: TestFlight Install Request Changed: { bundleID = fr.altplusun.wespotturtles.weSpotTurtles, appType = 2, version = 1.1.0 (11), currentTaskStatus = 22, previousTaskStatus = 9, installStatus = 0, reachedTerminalStatus = 1, reachedFailureStatus = 1, reachedCancelledStatus = 0, percentComplete = 0.000000, userFailureReason = <TFError: 0x282cda5a0>: errorMessage = Your request couldn\M-b\M^@\M^Yt be completed. Try again., code = 7, serverCode = -1, serverFailureReason = Error Downloading Install Data, persistentIdentifier = 0, installID = (null) } Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(TestFlightServices)[461] <Notice>: App Install Update (for AppID: 6452721917, BuildID: 121039130, Version: 1.1.0 (11), Reinstall same version: NO):FAILED. Also, no matching install request found Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(AppleMediaServices)[461] <Notice>: AMSDaemonConnection: [632D115B] Initializing XPC connection Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone backboardd(CoreBrightness)[64] <Notice>: BaselineHarmony: Current strength: 0.270000, ALSStrength: 0.270000, AppStrength: 0.270000 Aug 22 13:11:27 iPhone TestFlight(AppleMediaServices)[461] <Notice>: AMSURLRequestEncoder: [632D115B] Encoding request for URL: { account = <ACAccount: 0x2815c00e0 type = iTunesStore | backingID = iTunesLocal-421A04EA-479A-4E46-B49D-556F7144518D | username = local | storefront = H:4cc080f1d5> mediaType = I'm not able to read this logs and find issue, can someone helps me please? Thanks
Aug ’23