




Help with connecting to WeatherKit REST API (Java)
I've been working on this for weeks to no avail; the best I've gotten so far is a 403 error, and I haven't been able to track down a fully-fleshed example in either Java or Kotlin. First, after generating privateKey, here's my code to create a JWTS token. It seems to create one, but can someone please check if there's anything missing or wrong or unneccessary? token = Jwts.builder() .setSubject ("com.mycompany.myproject") .setId ("") .setHeaderParam("alg", "ES256") .setHeaderParam("kid", "CXXXXXXXXX") .setHeaderParam("id", "") .setIssuedAt (dateNow) .setExpiration (dateExpires) .claim("iss", "QXXXXXXXXX") .claim("iat", timeNow) // same as dateNow, but in ms .claim("exp", timeExpires) // same as dateExpires, but in ms .claim("sub", "com.mycompany.myproject") .signWith (privateKey, SignatureAlgorithm.ES256) .compact(); With that in place, I'm creating the connection as follows. Although I've called URLs before, this is the first time I've attempted an authenticated connection, and there are a lot of moving parts. URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection conn = null; conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection() conn.setRequestMethod ("GET"); conn.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", "Bearer "+ token); conn.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); conn.setRequestProperty ("Content-Language", "en-US"); conn.setUseCaches (false); conn.setDoInput (true); conn.setDoOutput (true); conn.setConnectTimeout (30000); //set timeout to 30 seconds Executing conn.connect() churns for a little while and then returns a 403 error. Any help from someone who's done this successfully is greatly appreciated.
Jul ’22