I've been working on this for weeks to no avail; the best I've gotten so far is a 403 error, and I haven't been able to track down a fully-fleshed example in either Java or Kotlin.
First, after generating privateKey, here's my code to create a JWTS token. It seems to create one, but can someone please check if there's anything missing or wrong or unneccessary?
token = Jwts.builder()
.setSubject ("com.mycompany.myproject")
.setId ("QXXXXXXXXX.com.mycompany.myproject")
.setHeaderParam("alg", "ES256")
.setHeaderParam("kid", "CXXXXXXXXX")
.setHeaderParam("id", "QXXXXXXXXX.com.mycompany.myproject")
.setIssuedAt (dateNow)
.setExpiration (dateExpires)
.claim("iss", "QXXXXXXXXX")
.claim("iat", timeNow) // same as dateNow, but in ms
.claim("exp", timeExpires) // same as dateExpires, but in ms
.claim("sub", "com.mycompany.myproject")
.signWith (privateKey, SignatureAlgorithm.ES256)
With that in place, I'm creating the connection as follows. Although I've called URLs before, this is the first time I've attempted an authenticated
connection, and there are a lot of moving parts.
URL url = new URL("https://weatherkit.apple.com/api/v1/weather/en/40.5/-73.5?dataSets=currentWeather&timezone=Europe/London");
HttpURLConnection conn = null;
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection()
conn.setRequestMethod ("GET");
conn.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", "Bearer "+ token);
conn.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
conn.setRequestProperty ("Content-Language", "en-US");
conn.setUseCaches (false);
conn.setDoInput (true);
conn.setDoOutput (true);
conn.setConnectTimeout (30000); //set timeout to 30 seconds
Executing conn.connect() churns for a little while and then returns a 403 error.
Any help from someone who's done this successfully is greatly appreciated.