




Unexpected URLRepresentableIntent behaviour
After watching the What's new in App Intents session I'm attempting to create an intent conforming to URLRepresentableIntent. The video states that so long as my AppEntity conforms to URLRepresentableEntity I should not have to provide a perform method . My application will be launched automatically and passed the appropriate URL. This seems to work in that my application is launched and is passed a URL, but the URL is in the form: FeatureEntity/{id}. Am I missing something, or is there a trick that enables it to pass along the URL specified in the AppEntity itself? struct MyExampleIntent: OpenIntent, URLRepresentableIntent { static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Open Feature" static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary { Summary("Open \(\.$target)") } @Parameter(title: "My feature", description: "The feature to open.") var target: FeatureEntity } struct FeatureEntity: AppEntity { // ... } extension FeatureEntity: URLRepresentableEntity { static var urlRepresentation: URLRepresentation { "\(.id)" } }
Jun ’24
Making use of Metal's volatile MTLPurgeableState while triple buffering
I have a number of cached MTLTexture's which I would like to set to purgeable using MTLTexture's setPurgeableState API. In order to do this I follow the process outlined in Apple's 2019 WWDC video which suggests: Setting cached MTLTexture instances to volatile Flagging MTLTexture instances as nonVolatile while 'in use' as part of a command buffer Using MTLCommandBuffer's addCompletedHandler to set all MTLTexture instances back to volatile after the command buffer completes its work This approach works great, but quickly runs into issues in a triple buffered renderer where more than one command buffer is in-flight simultaneously. In these instances I receive the following error: Cannot set purgeability state to volatile while resource is in use by a command buffer. ... which makes sense. I'm obviously attempting to flag a MTLTexture as volatile while it's in-flight as part of a subsequent command buffer. But what's the best way around this without obliterating the performance advantages afforded by triple buffering in the first place?
Jan ’22