Apparently DisclosureGroup wasn't the issue. Deleting the project from Library > Containers folder before every run solves the problem. I have no idea why this is necessary but I hope this will be addressed.
edit: this happens when using multiple DisclosureGroup with different @State variables in "isExpanded" in the same view (it works if it's just one).
For anyone who's interested, there is a problem with @AppStorage and animations in Xcode 14. I resolved the Issue by using @State and saving to @AppStorage with "onChange". I hope this will get fixed soon so I can remove that extra step.
Correction: this happens when using an @AppStorage variable in "isExpanded" instead of a @State variable. Does someone know how I can use an @AppStorage variable so the app will remember the state after reopening the app and still keep the Disclosure Groups animation?
Am I the only one experiencing this? it'll be nice if someone else can confirm if this is indeed an issue.
This is the way I know:
UIMenuController.shared.menuItems = [UIMenuItem(title: "some_title" , action: #selector(some_function))]
however it is now deprecated and replaced with UIEditMenuInteraction which I have no idea how to implement with a UIViewRepresentable, if someone figures how I'll be happy to know.
Same thing here. my debugger console is exploding with these. Tried the things suggested here nothing works. Anyone figured this out?