




Reply to xcode 13 build app codesign failed is directory
I contacted Development Support and they gave my some links about app signing and I have worked my way through them but have not got anywhere and have messed things up even further as I now do not have the necessary signed certificate, profile, etc. I am now looking for a step by step guide for setting up the signing for my app and my future development here. Can anyone please give me a link for one of those.
Jun ’22
Reply to why does intellisense insert a ? in this asignment
I have worked round this using the following code     let moveDirections: [(Double,Double)] = [(1.0, 0.0), // East                           (0.0, 1.0),   // North                           (1.0, 1.0),   // NorthEast                           (-1.0, 0.0),  // NorthWest                           (0.0, -1.0),  // South                           (1.0, -1.0),  // SouthEast                           (-1.0, -1.0), // SouthWest                           (-1.0, 0.0)   // West                         ]     var directions = ["East","North","NorthEast","NorthWest","South","SouthEast","SouthWest","West"]         let id = directions.firstIndex(of: direction)         let dt = moveDirections[id!]         let dx = dt.0         let dy = dt.1
Feb ’22
Reply to Xcode 12.5.1 SKTexture error loading image resource
I went through the development process again and when I got to setting up the DesertBackground image in the asset library I remembered that I went through the process of making a copy of the original png and resizing to get the x2 and x3 and renamed the files accordingly. This meant that instead of the desert background being named "DesertBackground.png" it was named DesertBackground appended with @x1.png instead of just png. I had assumed that the load image process would have selected the appropriate image based on the devices capability and loaded the appropriate named file. This has been proved to be wrong, at least, for the simulator. I have now solved my problem by not doing the sizing process and the backgrounds now load correctly.
Jan ’22
Reply to Xcode 12.5.1 SpriteKit SkScene tile set images not showing
I am trying the following as another work round for problem with the scene editor. I use the scene editor to remove a tile. I then use the media library and copy in the equivalent sprite image and position it to replace the original. This appears to result in the scene being shown correctly and the item has been added to the list. I feel confidant that doing this for all the tiles I added using the editor will meet the requirements for the app code to work. It a lot more work but I see no other way. Anyone see any reason for not doing this?
Jan ’22