




Reply to xcode 12.5.1 SpriteKit scene addchild fails reason already present
Is this something to do with what I am seeing in the scene. I wanted to attach a screenshot here to show the scene where the only items appearing in the scene inventory panel are the ground elements textures I drag from the asset library. There is no inventory of the tiles that have been used as shown in the graphics and that are editable after I double click the Tile Map Node. Is there anywhere I can see those? Also is the exception to do with the contents of the Tile Map Node itself? And how do I add a screenshot in a comment?
Jan ’22
Reply to code sign failed with non zero exit code
I am sorry about the confusion I have caused. The original problem was for an unsigned certificate for which the solution was to download and process the AppleWWDRCA.cer. The problem I put the comment in for was for a different problem. I have taken on your advise about cleaning up the warnings so will do that next and see if the latest problem persists and if it does add another entry for that with all the details I can sort out.
Aug ’21