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Hi everyone,  since the release of the new macOS Moterey operating system (12) my MacCatalyst application does not load some views at startup until I resize the window or change focus. If I look at XCode's Debug View Hierarchy these views are not present. If, on the other hand, I use the classic debug (while they are not shown) it turns out that they have the correct frame (origin and size), superviews and window. To show them I have to resize the window (manually, using the mouse) or remove the focus from the app (for example by clicking on another window and then clicking the app window again). Only after doing one of these two things are the views loaded. Has anyone experienced the same behavior? The application is developed in Swift only with UIKit and various Storyboards (without SwiftUI). Thanks a lot to everyone.
by Moleskyth.
Last updated
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I'm developing an app that manages events and I have an annoying problem that affects both EKEventViewController and EKEventEditViewController, some buttons wont work.On EKEventViewController - "Show All Notes" does nothing when you tap over it both on iPhone/iPad and on Mac Catalyst AppScreenshot: EKEventEditViewController - "End time" can't be edited only on Mac Catalyst App (and the edit of start time is horrible).Screenshot: someone help me?
by Moleskyth.
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2 Replies
I'm trying to create a Mac Catalyst version of my iPad app. I checked the "Mac" checkbox (under Device in General section), I selected the "My Mac" scheme, I ran... and then, xcode show me code signing errors!When I checked the checkbox, the Signing & Capabilties tab added a new macOS platform entry, and a bundle identifier: That bundle ID isn't dispalyed in my Certifiicates, Identifiers & Profiles section of the Apple developer site. When I try to add it manually, by adding an App ID, choosing Mac and specifying the explicit bundle ID, I get the following error: An App ID with Identifier '' is not available. Please enter a different string.As suggested here, I also tried to: 1. Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles. 2. Select Profiles 2. Select iOS app that you are trying to catalyze from. 3. Enable "Mac". 4. Wait for hours.How I have to proceed?
by Moleskyth.
Last updated