Platform: iOS18
Tech: RealityView
Hi! I was wondering if RealityView now provides ways for their session to persist Anchor data in a world such that the anchor locations in one session can be saved and loaded in a another session that persists the exact same anchor positions.
I know that ARWorldMap in ARKit does that, but I was not able to find a way to use it with RealityView. I think it's because RealityView has ARKit under its hood but does not expose the ARKit session info publicly to the client code.
So I was wondering if there's a SwiftUI + RealityView approach that can help me to achieve a similar goal: Come back to the same location and see the object in exactly the same place.
Orbit animation doesn't show up. Both for OnTap trigger and OnAddedToScene trigger. It is not an issue with my code because I tested with an emphasize float animation and it works perfectly.
ARKit + RealityKit, iOS18
My animation timeline settings:
A simple Orbit animation block with a target, a pivot entity. 1s duration, orbit direction clockwise, axis(0,1,0), 1 revolution, and blend layer 300.
My Behavior setting:
OnTap -> play the animation
TLDR: Timeline does not play animation when Repeat Forever is checked.
Hi! I have created a timeline for my model that does a built-in emphasize animation. Then I added a behavior to my model and has set OnAddedToScene with action to run that timeline. It works perfect well on my device. But I want the timeline to be looped. I realized that there's no loop option in the timeline, but I noticed that I can loop it if I insert it into another timeline(The loop checkbox shows up). So I did that and had my model's behavior to run that timeline. But then the model doesn't play the animation as intended.
Note: I am not making a VisionPro app, but an iOS app leveraging ARKit and RealityKit
Environment: iPhone 13 Pro Max with iOS18.0
struct ARViewContainer: UIViewRepresentable {
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ARView {
let arView = ARView(frame: .zero)
Task {
do {
let anchor = AnchorEntity(plane: .horizontal)
let emojiScene = try await Entity(named: "SunglassesScene", in: bubbleAR
} catch {
print("Failed to load models: \(error)")
return arView
Thank you!