I'm developing on iOS, and Apple's docs on Verifying a User with Apple Sign In - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/sign_in_with_apple/sign_in_with_apple_rest_api/verifying_a_user state the following:
You may verify the refresh token up to once a day to confirm that the user’s Apple ID on that device is still in good standing with Apple’s servers. Apple’s servers may throttle your call if you attempt to verify a user’s Apple ID more than once a day. I find this statement is a bit vague. What calls are in risk of getting throttled? Only validating the refresh_token? what about validating an authorization_code? What about validating a refresh_token obtained by a newly issued identity_token?
I'm going through my login flow and realized that a user may sign out and re-sign in within the 24 hour span, thus risking the throttling. As far as I can see, I have two options:
I would ask the user to Sign In with Apple (interactively), obtain a new identity_token (which I would immediately validate), then I would validate the authorization_code to obtain a new refresh_token. Is this process, so far, exempt from 24h throttling? And if so, is validating this new refresh_token also exempt from 24h throttling since it's originating from a new identity_token? Or would the old refresh_token still even work for that user? (in which case I could do option #2:
I would ask the user to Sign In with Apple (interactively), obtain a new identity_token (which I would immediately validate), but skip the authorization_code validation. Instead, I would still trust the old refresh_token, and validate it every 24 hours as usual.
Any clarification would be appreciated, thank you!!
I have a MacBook Pro that I'm using to develop an iOS app, and during development I have the app setup to connect to the mac's local ipv4 address instead of my production server address. However, multiple times a day I get the "The request timed out" error on my app (iPhone), and it persists for a few minutes. Then all of a sudden it will start working again, until it happens again, sometimes even 15 minutes later.
During that "down" time I can still connect to to any other server from the phone, and I believe (it's been at least a year at this point) I have successfully sent some http requests to my Mac's ip from another local machine.
I'm running XCode 14.2 (14C18), iOS 16.3.1 (app target at 16.0). The development machine is a MacBook Pro 13" (2017) with macOS Ventura 13.2.1, and I run the 3 services I need (httpd, mysql, php) through Brew (it was a while ago, but I believe I used Brew because I couldn't get it to work with the native installations).
For what it's worth though, this issue has been happening on older macOS, iOS, and Xcode versions.
Any ideas or pointers?