




Reply to Validate StoreKit2 in-app purchase jwsRepresentation in backend (node ideally, but anything works)
Hi, so the JWS contains a chain of certificates (x509) in its x5c header. The first certificate contains the public key used to verify the signature of the JWS. What we need is a way to verify that the certificates are also trustworthy (i.e. signed by Apple and/or a trusted CA). You can find these certificates on their site All you need to do now is download them and, whenever you receive a JWS, validate them against the ones found in the x5c header. The site has both the intermediate and the root certificates. Good luck!
Nov ’21
Reply to Scrolling issues in UITextView on iOS 14
For me, when keyboard is dismissed (i.e. textview is NOT first responder), tapping anywhere on the TextView while its top is not visible on-screen, triggers the following 2 animations: 1. it scrolls first to the top of the TextView 2. it scrolls back down to where I tapped (i.e. the new cursor location) However, if they TextView IS the first responder in the above scenario, it only scrolls up to the top of the TextView (leaving cursor off-screen and allowing me to type off-screen, which is weird). Tapping again then results in even weirder scrolls, sometimes back down, sometimes further up past the to the top TextView. I think there are some gestures/touches that need to be disabled when a TextView is placed inside a TableViewCell, I'm just not sure what exactly. Has anyone tried to subclass the TextView to override some behaviors?
Feb ’21