




Business Card in Apple Wallet - Implementation and Security doubts
I have a team on my company looking to develop a let say "link" to distribute between some sale employes to "automatically" create a Business Card inside Apple Wallet. The idea is that "link" will have all the public employe information and the look&feel of the card. They are following this page: So they are asking us those certificates: Signer Certificate (Developer) Signer Certificate Key (Developer) WWDR (Apple WorldWide Developer Relations) G4 Certificate Can someone explain me if giving those certificates to the develpers could have some security risk? Or what else they can do having those certificates? Thanks!
Jul ’23
Whats the right way of manage signing with 3er party companies
I want to understand the right way to manage the signing of my apps when the development is done by a 3er party company. I'm working in a company, we are not mobile developers, so we use 3er party agancies to develop the apps we need. Even if we are not a development company, we want to upload all the apps i our store. And we don't want to give full access to the 3er party companies. I believe that the best option is give a limited development certificate to one develope of the 3er party companies to make the archive, generate a IPA file and send it to us. Then, whit the IPA file, we are going to re-sign the file with our "production certificates" It this the right aproach? Could be done by any 3er party companies? Can I limitate even more the access to 3er party companies developers? Thanks!
May ’23