Even updated to macos big sur 11.6.5 it still cannot do a AHT test and Internet Recovery Test. And it still giving a -2002D, -2002F and -5101D test error. Even I clear the nvram with sudo nvram -c on the terminal. And it still does not work at all.
I have try many possibilities at my end. And still there is no connection to the apple server that the Internet Recovery with the spinning globe is not working so as that to the Apple Hardware Diagnostic Test.
Is it because that the mac mini late 2014 that i have obsolete
I have change to the old wifi router and it is still not working it keeps giving support.apple.com/mac/startup 2002D or 2002F error. So both router are not able to connect to apple server to do internet recovery and hardware diagnostic test.
Try to update to the latest version macOS Big Sur 11.6.
And try again see if it works right now and see if I can login and access to Apple Developer Forum with Google Chrome version 93. Have submit to their asia.dev email to them personally.
An unexpected error has occurred.
Please visit the main page of Apple Developer Forums for links to discussion areas.
Reference #c05ca3d9-8e91-4e4f-bdef-c618b47377ff
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If you were to use Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge verison 93. Apple Web Master need to fix this issues, other wise we are unable to access to the Apple Developer Forum. There is something got to do with the java script that let the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Browser version 93 not to be able to access the Apple Developer Forum website. (The communities.apple.com and securemectrics.apple.com and awdappledeveloper.)
There is still the same issues with Microsoft Edge 93. You have to revert back to the older version 92.
Apple Webmaster still need to fix the Apple Support Community Forums and Apple Developer Forum in order to get in to these forum while using Google Chrome version 93. The bug still exists! You will not have any problems while using Safari, Firefox, Opera. At this point in time.
Confirmed the older version of Google Chrome 92.0.4515.131 works. But not the latest version 93.0.4577.63
When using the latest version of Google Chrome version 93.0.4577.63 there is login to idmsa apple id authentication that apple web master need to be fix the issues immediately. However if you were to use the older version of Google Chrome you can login to apple id to the apple support community forum and apple developer forum.
There seems to be a problem with idmsa.apple.com Apple ID Authentication issues with the latest Google Chrome version 93.0.4577.63
There seems to be a java script issues when using Google Chrome for Mac Intel version 93.0.4577.63 while login in to apple id to login Apple Support Community Forums and Apple Developer Forum. That I cannot login to. That Apple need to investigate to fix the software bug. If you were to go Google Chrome developer console settings to debug you can easily identify the problems with the login java scripts which is not there with the latest version of Google Chrome web browser. You can see the different when you use the older version of Google Chrome that some how you can login to Apple ID. Can you please fix the bug.
Exactly! That goes the same to the current iOS 14.6.. The battery drain still have not been fix.
Even Monterey beta version 2 having the same issues. I decided to stop using Monterey beta 2 as it have giving me so much problems on SSD get corrupted. I have reason of doubt that Monetery beta 3 still have not fix the issues with the virtual machine.
Yes! Confirmed I have the same issues. Black Screen. And got my SSD get corrupted. Upon physical rebooted.
Not only that kernel issues and MacOS Monterey rebooted by itself. This bug need to be fix by apple.