




Testflight app crashes on ios 16.6 but not on 17.1
Hi everybody, i have a problem with my application. I have a mac m1 and i have installed sonoma at 14.0, and i have my iphone 12 at 17.0.3. On my mac i have an xcode version at 15.0.1 ( 15A507 ) with installed the iOS 17.0.1. I have released my app on testflight and on my device it's correctly working, while on an Iphone 13 pro max with iOS 16.6.0 the app it's crashing. I tried to install on my mac the sdk for ios 16.4, clean and rebuild the app on a iphone 14 with ios 16.4 and release the app on testflight. On my pc the app with the simulator it's correctly working, on my iphone with iOS 17 it's working, on the iphone with 16.6.0 it's not. Whenever i build i click on 'Any iOS simulator Device ( arm64, x86_64 ) and the build target is iOS 12 If you need anything else feel free to ask. Thank you in advance!
Nov ’23